
We support and partner with a number of organisations to serve others locally, nationally and globally.  10% of our annual freewill donations are given to our chosen world mission partners.

Monthly Mission Focus


Monthly Mission Focus *

Pushing Back Against Poverty

This month we are highlighting our mission partner, Christian Aid who celebrate Christian Aid Week from 12 – 18 May, encouraging people to raise funds and pray for their global neighbours. This year’s appeal is focussing on the organisation’s work in Burundi, one of the most densely populated and poorest countries in Africa. Heavily reliant on agriculture, it’s also one of the least prepared to combat the effects of climate change, including droughts, floods and landslides. Alongside local partners, the organisation helps establish Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs). These community-led groups mean people can save and borrow money, making small businesses possible, offering reliable and diverse incomes so families can eat regularly, get medicine when they need it, and build safer homes.

For Christian Aid Week 2024 - Featuring Aline Nibogora and her sons, Fisto, Vyukesenge and Irumva

Thirty-five-year-old Aline Nibogora is the chairperson of a VSLA which supports some 25 families in a remote village, in Makamba Province. Aline escaped an abusive marriage only to find herself on the streets begging for a place to stay. Her life changed when she went to a three-day, Christian Aid-funded community workshop. With a small start-up loan, Aline began trading avocados and peanuts locally. She’s now a grocery wholesaler and living on her own plot of land where she’s building a home for her family. In the next five years she hopes to expand, so one day she can buy a mill. This will provide a source of income without the need to transport heavy goods over long distances.

Ashtead Churches Together (ACT)

Together with St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church and Ashtead Baptist Church, we worship and serve in the local community.

The Good Friday Pond Service is held just off Barnett Wood Lane, and the Remembrance Sunday Service by the war memorial is deeply moving. We celebrate our unity with an annual service.

Food is also important, with our monthly Men’s Breakfast, and the Ashtead Village Day Tea Tent.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” Jesus

— Matthew 25:35-36